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Chinese New Year Celebrations

Planning a scrumptious reunion feast for 2025 to bring good fortune and luck for the New Year? Forbidden Duck is the ideal dining destination for corporate and family gatherings where you can bond over an exceptional meal curated by 3 Michelin-Starred, Demon Chef Alvin Leung.

2025’s Chinese New Year will fall on 29 January. From 20 Jan to 12 Feb, Forbidden Duck will be serving 8 auspicious CNY Set Menus ideal for groups of 4, 6 and 8. Each set meal comes with a refreshing Yu Sheng and other sumptuous dishes starting from just $498++

Chinese New Year Set Menus
1. 五福臨門: Set menu for 4 at $498++
2. 龍鳳呈祥: Set menu for 4 at $598++
3. 團圓有餘: Set menu for 6 at $688++
4. 吉祥如意: Set menu for 6 at $72

5. 十全十美: Set menu for 6 at $888++

6. 恭賀新禧: Set menu for 8 at $988++
7. 萬象更新: Set menu for 8 at $1188++
8. 恭喜發財: Set menu for 8 at $1688++

Please click HERE for full menu details.

Early Reservation is now available. Please get in touch with our friendly service staff at Tel: 6509 8767 to make your reservation.


*Forbidden Duck restaurant will be closed on 29 and 30 January 2025.

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